I don't know about you, but I have joy in my
heart, and yet my head is still spinning from all the
wonderful interaction this weekend. Have finally
recovered from the laughter of Colleen's wonderful
language metaphor silliquey, and I am back on my air
craft carrier chugging along (thanks Gene)!
You are all very special, especially through the
moebius like interplay of tacit and explicit
knowledge. And the values stuff still has me
spinning. I see Brian's approach as a spiral, for as
we spin past the 8th stage, we return to the first
and second stages, we on a higher level and our
foundation values become even more significant, i.e.,
intimacy takes on a whole new meaning.
Hubert, as we got in touch with our own human
capital, we created a structure of understanding
which is making it possible to reach our own
customers in exciting new ways... the model works, as
is seen in the pioneering efforts of Jo-Anne, Gordon,
Charles, Brenda, Francesco, Laura and the others.
A special thanks to Bob and Ed for helping to put our
words (spell corrected) on the Internet.
And a very special word of thanks to Theresa and Ted
for support which did not only delight, but frankly
it was awe inspiring.
As you reflect and sort out and feel, do let us know
of the significant meaning moments you experienced.
Send them to me and I will put them in our home page,
or send them directly when Ed has it set up. We need
to keep the dialogue going.
Thanks everyone,